by Piper Boyt
Staff Reporter
March 2023
Spring is here which means the start of Oxford High's spring sports. Baseball is just one out of the many this season.
Baseball is not only a popular game at Oxford but also in the country. This can possibly cause worry for some players or make the game even more fun to play.
Since baseball starts in the middle of the school year and ends at the end of the year, the season can make it tough to manage the game and school work. Important tests like the PSAT and the SAT while managing 7 classes are already hard enough as a student. But, including baseball into players' lives is a challenging schedule to manage. Players will give us an insight of this sport they are trying out for.
“My favorite memory with the high school team is beating Clarkston all 3 times last year and hanging out with my friends at practices and games,” says Nolan Mauser. (10)
As tryouts approach, players think of goals they want to achieve this season.
“ My goal is to make varsity, win games with my team and improve so that the team can go to the state tournament,” says Liam O’neil. (10)
So why baseball? Out of the many sports to choose from, a student explains his love for the game.
“I like baseball because it's fun playing with my friends, playing against other teams and just being competitive,” says Brody Burns. (12)
While baseball season is in session, schoolwork and the hardships that come with the game are also a challenging task players manage.
“Managing baseball and school starts by paying attention in class, not falling behind in work and getting my homework done to keep my grades up,” says Joey Beiniasz. (11)
Throughout the boys baseball season make sure to attend one of their games in support of our Oxford High School sport teams!

Break Out the Bats
Spring Sports Fever
by Samantha Zeiter
Staff Reporter
March 2023
Spring is around the corner in Michigan and athletics are starting
up soon, students are beyond excited to achieve not just
success in the classroom but also on the field, or pitch.
Oxford High school(OHS) is finally saying goodbye to winter and
hello to spring. Along with this we lose an hour of sleep but gain
many more students to the rosters of all different spring sports.
The 2023 school year has been quite a long one for the students
at OHS but the wait for spring sports has made this clock slow
down drastically. Students are beyond ready to support and
represent their school through all different activities.
“I am so excited to finally be able to start playing soccer again
after all winter. I have been pre seasoning a lot harder than
normal, hoping to make a spot on varsity for my last year here
at OHS,” said Lexi Owens(12).
The preparations for spring sports are pushing athletes to the next level.
“Without playing a winter sport this year it has really given me time to practice more constantly and keep up my workout schedule, which will hopefully make me a good asset on the baseball team,” said Liam O’neill(10).
With four new coaches joining the Oxford sports staff, coaches are raising the bar for athletes at the high school.
“I am so pumped for this year's soccer season, but I hope that all of the players attend the coaches conditionings before tryouts because she is definitely intense,” said Vivian Cruz(10).
New additions to the roster are an important factor for coaches when going into a new season.
“I am pretty nervous for the tryout next week but I think if I'm on my game the coach will be able to make a good decision on what team I should go on,” said Avery London(9).
Spring sports are so close students are getting themselves ready for the upcoming season.
“Personally, I have been trying to get my work done during school hours so I don't have to make time between practices to get it done,” said Piper Boyt.
OHS is beyond ready for this upcoming season, but this isn't made possible without a fan bases, get involved an attend one of these upcoming games

New Leader on the Links
Meet the New Varsity Boys Golf Coach, Tim Fox
by Samantha Zeiter
Staff Reporter
March 2023
Many at and around the community of Oxford are aware of the many new coaches Oxford High school(OHS) welcomed to their administration this spring. Coaches are essential to keep the sports running smoothly at the High School. But besides those trying out this 2023 season many don't get to know the coaches here at OHS. Tim Fox is one of the many new coaches here at OHS hoping to use his past golf experience to give to the next generation. Going to both Ferris State and Central Michigan University Coach Fox has a strong academic background. Coach Fox gladly said yes to an interview letting the students and staff get a first hand look into what his life looks like.
Q: What was a past experience that helped you to become the person you are today?
A: “When I was younger, my first job was a paperboy which really taught me how to be hard working and determined, this shaped me into being a very teachable and social person.”
Q: Where are you from?
A: “I started my life in Clinton Township and moved to Oxford later in my life.”
Q: If you had the opportunity to have dinner with anybody in the world who would it be? And why?
A: “If I was able to eat with anybody in the world I would most definitely have it with a golfer named Jack Nicklaus, he has always been one of my favorite golfers to see winning all of his tournaments, it truly inspires me.”
Q: What is your golf handicap currently at?
A: “My golf handicap is currently at a plus 1.”
Q: What is your past golf experience?
A: I’ve played golf for 43 years and began my journey at 5 years old.”
Q: What is your favorite type of iron?
A: “My favorite irons are Minzunos and TaylorMade.”
by Nadia Drobnich
Staff Reporter
March 2023
For many of them, it was a dream to sign their name on the dotted line!
Every student athlete works hard to be successful both on and off the field. But a small percentage have the opportunity to play their favorite sport beyond high school. Last week, the smiles were brighter than the cameras as 11 more seniors formally signed, committing themselves to become collegiate athletes.
Alana Gizinski, Nick Champagne, Cam Jarrett, Koen Eberhard, and Owen Schihl were 5 of the 11 seniors who signed.
“I am so proud that I am able to keep doing my sport and staying strong through all my struggles,” said Alana Gizinski (12).
Motivation was what kept most students going.
“Remembering my dreams from when I was younger is what kept me keep going” said Alana Gizinski who is attending Grand Valley State University, signing for competitive cheer (12).
Often, hard work isn’t enough and these athletes had to rely on those who paid for their leagues, equipment and travel.
“My biggest supporters were my family and I wouldn’t be here without them,” said Cam Jarrett who will be attending Alma College to play football (12).
He wasn’t alone in that regard.
“My biggest motivation was my family pushing me to go my hardest,” said Nick Champagne, who will lace them up to play hockey for Adrian College this fall.
Having something new to look forward to next season is exciting.
“Im most excited to meet the team and create new bonds and friendships,” Koen Eberhard who will be attending Albion College to wrestle (12).
But in the end… it always comes back to family.
“My biggest support was my family and friends and they never gave up on me,” said Owen Schihl who will be attending Kalamazoo College to play baseball.
We wish all of these soon to be college-athletes the best of luck! Just remember, “Once a Wildcat…”
Taking the Next Step

More than Just Another Sport
by Madhu Heuter
Staff Reporter
March 2023
Track and is something that everyone is welcome to be a part of. Unlike others where you have to attend tryouts for a day, track tryouts are a two week long training regime that gets your body geared up to participate in one of the many events.
Track and field has always been extremely popular at Oxford. Our students are motivated warriors that just keep running no matter what, so it's no surprise the gym is filled with all types of awards going as far back as 1920. But motivation is not always at one hundred percent, so here are some good reasons to just keep running.
First and foremost the adults leading track and field are more than just people that are gonna help you get your form right during an exercise, they prepare you undoubtedly well for the meets, all while teaching you valuable life lessons. And when all that is done they are more than willing to give you good word and get you ready for college.
“I've been doing this for a long time and I can strongly say that the coaches around me are the best of the best in their field. So if you are here for track you need to listen to the little tips and tricks they give you because they work,” said Coach Drobnich.
In every school sport there's always gonna be friendly competition that pushes you to new heights. Most of the boys are constantly giving each other tips and tricks to be faster as well as sharing exercises that help you do so. That's what track family is all about and that's why kids come back every year with more knowledge.
“Track has helped me a lot with getting closer to my dreams, the relationships I maintain here are meaningful and give me what I need to succeed,” said Jay Cady (11).
Everyone is unique and not every student is naturally gifted in specific events. But the beauty of track is everyone has something they can legitimately contribute to the team.
Everyone has an equal opportunity here at Track. Coach Drobnich treats everyone with respect. Of course every coach is going to have favorite athletes but I like how he treats everyone the same,” said Nadia Drobnich (10).
Joining track will allow you to build more than just your speed and endurance. Being a part of a team like this is great for making friends which goes hand in hand with confidence building.
“I'm always looking forward to track season throughout the year because I love spring but most of all I get to maintain important relationships that have made me a better person as well as a student,” said Jayden Hang.
Being a part of our Oxford track family is a great way to get in shape before the summer but the people get really close throughout the session. don't ever miss out on an opportunity you might regret because track can better you mentally and physically. There is nothing more valuable in this world that goes hand in hand with those things. Thank you to our coaches and everyone that gives their blood sweat and tears to allow oxford to have this great reputation in our field events.

by Mya Kogelmann
Staff Reporter
March 2023
Oxford girls varsity basketball had a great season this year.
The team went 19-5 overall and 12-2 in league.
Everyone needs to know how well the girls did this season.
“I was most proud of our first district game because we won by twenty points.” , says Brynley Cardona(10).
While the girls had a lot of on the court memories here is one off the court.
“My favorite memory was in the parking lot before a game, one of my teammates was on top of a car pretending to be a float,” said Allison Hufstedler(10).
The team had a lot of good wins this season.
“My favorite basketball win was against Clarkston because we played at Little Caesars Arena,” says Peyton Richter(11).
The team has a great bond with each other and are great friends.
“My favorite part of this basketball season was listening to all the stories shared at team bonding and team dinners. I also enjoyed watching the girls get excited after big plays,” Coach Bryer says.
Overall the girls had a great season and next year's squad will have big shoes to fill!

Lady Wildcats: Hoops Wrap-up
by Mya Kogelmann
Staff Reporter
March 2023
Throughout this year's 22-23 Boys basketball, the boys varsity team have been successful in making it to the semi-finals in districts this year.
The team ended with the record of 14-10.
The team had a good season this year with lots of new players.
“I loved going to team dinners and seeing the team and getting to bond with them,” said Blake Lindamood(11).
There were lots of memories from the season this year.
“My favorite memory from the season was beating Athens at our last two regular season games because they were ranked on the top and they beat us the first time,” says Dylan Stone(12).
Even though the team did great they have some things to approve on.
“The team has to improve on overall defense and rebounding because we didn’t get many rebounds,” said Jake Champagne(10).
There are a lot of things to look forward to next season.
“I look forward to having another great season with the team and making new memories” says Dom Cassie(10).
Overall, the team had a great season and know what they need to do to prepare for next season! Nice job, fellas!